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"Salt on Mars: Astrobiological Tombs?" Prof. Kathleen Benison (West Virginia University)

Pubblicato: Domenica 7 febbraio 2021 da Marcello Natalicchio

Webinar di Geologia - Giovedì 11 Febbraio 2021 alle ore 16.00 si terrà il webinar (via webex):

"Salt on Mars: Astrobiological Tombs?"

a cura della Prof.ssa Kathleen Benison (West Virginia University)


LINK webex (attivo 10' prima dell'evento):



Chemical sediments, including chlorides and sulfates, have been identified on Mars. However, they have not yet been analyzed petrographically. On Earth, halite and gypsum precipitate in modern and ancient acid saline lakes that may be excellent analogs for some martian strata. Analyses by microscopy and laser Raman spectroscopy of terrestrial acid saline lake halite and gypsum show that it preserves microorganisms and organic compounds, especially within primary fluid inclusions. Any salt minerals found by Mars rovers should be returned to Earth for examination for potential biosignatures. 


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Ultimo aggiornamento: 07/02/2021 17:35
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